the state that i am in

I feel like it's Christmas morning, only instead of toys, we get to humiliate a close friend. ~FES That 70's Show

Sunday, October 07, 2007

new blog

So . . . I decided to switch to .mac since I needed it to sync my computer anyway.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

The night I was face to face with the DEVIL

So, Let's talk about what and awful day I had yesterday. I HATE SPIDERS. They are everywhere. I was exhausted from staying up late the night before, so I was going to bed at TEN. That's unheard of for me. I take the pretty allie frame out from off of my bed and what happens. I get attacked by a hobo vampire spider. It was awful terrible nightmare. i still feel crawling all over myself and I can't even sit on my bed to write this post. What am I sitting on instead, you may ask? The little blue child's chair that the kiddos love to use. All so that I can avoid the area that used to provide comfort that is now ruined by the devil.

As you can see by the pics, I couldn't even use my usual method of spider killing, drowning by poisinous cleaner, because it was strategically stationed by my ipod. and while i could ruin my bedspread to kill the spider I could not ruin my ipod. So, alas, I had to stare at the beast for an HOUR while I waited for dad to get back. Then dad proceeds to tell me that you just have to nudge them. THey are aggresive so they will ATTACk you and that's when you kill it. REAL COMFORTING.

Needless to say, I slept on the couch (by about 2) upstairs and got all sweaty becuase I could not reveal bare skin even though it was dangerously hot incase his mamma wanted a word with my skin. :(

I've decided once and for all that I will not put up with them. There is no skirting around them anymore. There is no eyeing them to make sure they stay away from my tuna. They are OUTTA here. Dad will be anxiously engaged in my cause.

Monday, June 25, 2007

new ads for Stuart's

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Look Who I Met

we took pictures at Frank Vandersloot's house. it was very beautiful! He had already been to Montana and Portland today. GEEZ what a busy day. We took 60ish images in 15 minutes. Holy freakin Cow. It was a very in and out sort of thing, but hey, a nice guy.

Monday, June 11, 2007

My Bud

So, I'm getting settled in in Pocatello. I Love it!!! Mostly I love being around my favorite little boy. Ty is so fun. He's a frustrating lovable strong adorable goofy little ball of fun. He just laughs so much. and most importantly he knows my name and says MEME all the time. I just love the little bugger.