the state that i am in

I feel like it's Christmas morning, only instead of toys, we get to humiliate a close friend. ~FES That 70's Show

Monday, May 22, 2006


Due to popular demand I have removed the disgusting mouth photos. Mostly becuase they were scaring me when I'd go to the blog. You are welcome!!!
I am feeling much better though! My throat doesn't hurt anymore, except when I get in my coughing spells, but not nearly so bad. I just cough a lot, it's led me to drinking and cough drops.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

More pictures of da trip

I noticed several things about the last post. First, there was only one picture of Kayla, and that's down right wrong. Second, Angie requested the picture of her rear end-I am most obliging:

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Family Vacation

For summer break, I went with my family to Payette Lake in McCall, Idaho. I went the day after my family, so it was a long drive all alone. There was a swing in the lake. Me and Angie went in, but it was so freezing. It will be nice when we go in the summer next year. It was a nice cabin. Only if you were in the shade at all it was freezing. Once you were in the sun it was really nice.
There was a bell in the rocks. On the last day, me and Kayla climbed up there. We couldn't really ring the bell due to the fact that there was no ringy thing in the middle, but there was a big bolt thing, and we just gonged it and it sounded great. Kayla rang it and said "Goodbye Cabin"

We went Ice Skating at the local indoor rink. Ty and Allie sat on the side lines happy as can be in their seats all bundled up. Kayla did less of skating and more of holding on to us and letting us drag her around. She was having fun, she just didn't want to let go.
It was a fun week, went by way too quick and way too much driving.