the state that i am in

I feel like it's Christmas morning, only instead of toys, we get to humiliate a close friend. ~FES That 70's Show

Saturday, July 29, 2006

retouched and ready to go

Here's my senior portraits

Sunday, July 16, 2006

I've flown on a plane YEA!!

I just got back from California yesterday. It was totally awesome. The plane ride was all in all uneventful. I wish someone was with me so I could have been a dork and got all excited, but as was, I had a little party inside and that's all. The only turbulance was coming into IF, I felt a little sick, but it wasn't too bad. Everything else was like, what we're flying. That's weird. I did, however, watch Garden State on the plane, and the opening was a plane in rough turbulance. It was funny. I felt a little guilty watching it on the flight.

It was a ton of fun though!!! Except for the fact that I was so nervous I didn't go to bed till 2 and had to get up at 4 to be at the airport at 5. I was looking forward to the fact that my flight didn't leave until 10 next time, but the girl I was going with had a flight at 6 as well, so we had to leave at 4 again. Atleast I went to bed at 1 that time. The night in between we got around 5 or 6, so that was better. Then, last night, I got 13. OH YEAH. That felt good.

This is Bille and Mike. I went to school with Bille, and met Mike once when he came to visit.

They got married at the Oakland temple, which was absolutly beautiful. It was incredibly hot, so I was in the visitors center most of the time, which was also beautiful (and air conditioned) They had a table with all the book of mormons in different languages. That was cool. I've always seen photos of the temple and I was so excited to be there.

You can go on top of the temple, there's a garden up there for portraits and such. That was nice. The temple is on a hill in Oakland, and then you go up there, the view is amazing. We could see San Fransisco and the Bay bridge. Very Beautiful. We were lucky, becuase I guess there's normally tons of fog, and you can't see that far.

This is the wedding party. It was kind of funny to see this group of 5 guys in pink shirts, but it looked good. Just funny seeing it was all.

This is one of my favorites of just Bille. She's very beautiful, and her flowers were gorgeous as well.

This is Emily, Me, and Bille. Emily is a girl I actually just met at BYUIDAHO. Kind of a friend of a friend, but we spent all that time together this weekend, and it was fun. great girl and very beautiful. As you can tell, I got incredibly sunburnt. It looks like I'm very pained, but I'll just blame it on being very tired.