the state that i am in

I feel like it's Christmas morning, only instead of toys, we get to humiliate a close friend. ~FES That 70's Show

Monday, October 30, 2006


We did our pumpkins today. When I was doing it a spider crawled out of the pumpkin and became a very unwelcome visitor on my hand. I was very scared to stick my hand back in the pumpkin to find more spiders. But, of course, I did not.

There are more images, but apparently this is all my computer wants on. Maybe more later.


Melissa and I took Kayla and Allie bowling. It was fun. Except for when Kayla didn't throw the ball hard enough and I had to walk down the gutter to push it the rest of the way. EMBARASSING! especially since there was a group of guys in the lane next to us paying particular attention.

Friday, October 27, 2006


Little Boy Party
(a very cute little boy at that :)

Fondue Party

13th girl Party

old people party

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Allie's 10 month portraits

Friday, October 13, 2006

Makayla Ann

This little girl is the cutest little thang in the world. She's my favorite 4 year old. (just to be a politically correct aunty, tyler is my favorite 1 year old and allie is my favorite 10 month old, but this is about kayla so she's my favorite) She likes to tease me a lot. It's frustrating sometimes, becuase I love her so much, and she tries to get my goat. It generally works really well.

But, there are so many things I find endearing.

When she was getting ready for preschool, she was putting on a cardigan. She told Melissa that she wanted to button the top two buttons because that's how Amy wore hers yesterday. She's so observant, because we never mentioned that I had two buttons.

As very clear from my last post, I've had problems with my teeth. I went in to tell Melissa. She was reading a bedtime story to Kayla, and Kayla told me that I could have her Kitten to make me feel better.

She wrote, well I transcribed, an email to grandma and papa and it said that "I love you that you're so grateful for a gospel." I'm sure that she doesn't for sure realize what that means. When she said it though, I felt so proud to be her aunt. and also felt love for my parents that are so grateful for a gospel.

She likes to help me take pictures. She does very good at making the cards smile :)

I got a sweet little knock and when I opened the door, there was a homemade flower laying on the ground.

She laughs so hard when I say up high, down low, to the side, too slow.

I heard outside my door, a voice "Hold on, I have to knock on Amy's door" and then she preceeded to walk right in.

When she's being sassy or crying, I speak to her in fishy language. Most of the time, she stops crying, because it's something we do.

One of my first days here, me and kayla went outside. I was laying on my stomach on a blanket studying my magazine (cause that's all I have to study these days) and Kayla came up and layed against my back. We sat there for I don't know how long. Me flipping through my magazine and her leaning eating her pretzels, both of us listening to my new ipod pillow speaker. I could have stayed there forever.

and of course, I only share these stories, to prove that I'm her favorite.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

my mouth is in pain

I know I know. enough with the yucky mouth photos, but here's a pic of my mouth. The wire from my retainer broke and after much blood and much pain I almost got it fixed. Nate had to use fingernail clipper to cut off the wire. It was funny. He was funny. What a great guy :) I had to try really hard not to lick him (it was his fault cause he put the idea in my head by telling me not to)

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

oh boy we had a mess

So we had fun. we were doing an imprint of Aliie's hands and it wasn't working, cause she wouldn't hold still. So, Kayla got to do it. Well. When I was watching kayla but holding allie, she decided to eat the paste and it was all just a big mess. ;)

Sunday, October 01, 2006

a few of my favs

So i realize, you've probably seen some of these, but I thought I'd put some of my favorite images from Dec Issue of Cards up.