the state that i am in

I feel like it's Christmas morning, only instead of toys, we get to humiliate a close friend. ~FES That 70's Show

Saturday, December 30, 2006

Scott and Diane

Here are some images of the wedding I just did today

Friday, December 08, 2006

Santa's little helpers

Monday, December 04, 2006

Blushing bride and her faithful sidekick ladybug

FInally here are the halloween pics I took of the girls. Granted, they are just the originals, no time for touch up though, but though just deal with it.
Here's kayla, the beautiful bride. It was fun and she felt like a bride on her photo shoot ;)

And once again here's the hand crafted hand carved and hand beatified pumpkins:

Mr Happy Pumpkin

Mr up in lights Pumpkin

Mr grouch pumpkin

The adoralbe snowbaby

Here's the ever adorable snowbaby! I took pics of ty at Angie's parents house (when they were feeding me YUM!) It was actually quite funny because Angie asked me what food I like and I said anything but fish and what do we have FISH then for dessert they said, well we made something really special- COCONUT PIE! (I don't care for that particular tropical food) IT was really funny. BUT it was quite delicious. I was surprised. (not that I didn't trust the cooking, just the food) FISH ARE FRIENDS NOT FOOD.

ANYWAY, we were all yelling and trying to get ty to smile, which he wouldn't do, but I think he looks adorable in the others even if he isn't smiling.