the state that i am in

I feel like it's Christmas morning, only instead of toys, we get to humiliate a close friend. ~FES That 70's Show

Tuesday, January 09, 2007


okay so obviously I have a problem. I coudln't go to sleep so it's now 6:03am, Nate just left for work, and I'm still up. I was so excited about this new idea that I coudln't stop. Here's a base for what I'm going to do for the inside. I REALLY dont' have the brainpower to put all the text in there, but I'm toying wihtt that design. I dont' know if I want a white lower opac box (like shown) to make it easier to read text, or not. I also dont' know if I want my photos in the box or asque. I also dont' know if b&w looks weird with brown. :)


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