the state that i am in

I feel like it's Christmas morning, only instead of toys, we get to humiliate a close friend. ~FES That 70's Show

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Allison Marie

Mom, Kathy, Lissa, Makayla, and Allie came to visit me in Rexburg (and to bring me my phone back). Here's some of the portraits of Kayla and Allie.

This is something I might enter in the fair. More than anything, they want stuff that will attract the mom's to see. So do you, as a mom, think you like this?

Here's the other images, they are just the originals. Maybe when I get some time, I'll do some more :)

Kayla, don't look at Grandma and Kathy (apparently, a hand was needed in order to accomplish that)

And she's tipping and . . .

Oops, did I do that?

They started dancing, swaying back and forth. Then Allie dropped, and now she has a nice beautiful bruise.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh my heck......... Those are sooooo cute!!! What beautiful models you have!!!!! :)

8:43 PM  

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