the state that i am in

I feel like it's Christmas morning, only instead of toys, we get to humiliate a close friend. ~FES That 70's Show

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Father's day

When I went home for Father's day I got some more pictures of the babies. BUT, it's really hard to get 3 babies to smiles at the same time. Ty and Allie were grumpy, so I didn't have much luck. Once Melissa came, Allie was smiling more, and I'm sure if Angie had been there, Ty would have been more happy. OH WELL. There are some cute ones.

Kayla just got a tent so she wanted to be playing in that instead of getting her picture taken (especially since I do that all the time) But mom and dad were persuasive enough to get her in there. I really like the one where she's playing in the grass. We were trying to get allie to sit there and she wouldn't. Kayla got bored and started doing her own thing.

Allie was 6 months old, so we got a bit more of just her. It was fun, but man she was not happy. That is, until mom came. That picture is so cute, because she just smiled so big when she saw her mom. Once we got her off the grass, and onto the blanket, I think she liked it a lot better as well. She was free to play with her feet. She also, in the last picture, sat up for the first time. lissa's hand is in it, only to catch her once she did fall.

The girls together wasn't as easy as you'd think. Allie would actually be smiling more than Kayla. That girl just wanted to play in her tent, and was distracted very easily.

Tyler came in the afternoon. He was hungry and didn't like the grass, so we didn't take any real smiley pictures, but I think the ones where he's playing with dad are really cute. (That's Cory's arm in the corner) He also (maybe this isn't new, but it is to me) loves the xylophone. He loves it with a mallet, he loves it with his hand, he just loves it. He was especially happy when Cory put him off the grass on the blanket with the xylophone.

Finally, all the babies together. Not easy. the one where they are laying down, they are all different pictures because they wouldn't all smile at the same time. Imagine that.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amy, you are awesome! Good job!
love you! Mom :)

8:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks a bunch babe. You do such a good job, of course, the subjects are just so darn cute to begin with. thanks for all your hard work.

11:23 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I really like the one of Kayla holding Allie. but do you think you could get rid of Nate's leg since it is for the 10x13. Thanks.

11:25 AM  
Blogger Amy said...

whoops, I didn't even notice. I got rid of his hand on the other side, i must have missed that. ;)

2:41 PM  
Blogger Cory said...

These pictures look great! It's too bad Tyler wasn't very happy, but at least you made his mellow look cute. Of course, these little ones are so photogenic, you hardly have to worry about your models, and the skills you have in spades!

Thanks for sharing your talents with us like this!

7:42 AM  
Blogger Amy said...

I ordered all the pictures, so they should be delivered to mom's on Friday. YEA. I think this is an all time record for how quickly I've gotten them done. I just barely got Allie's blessing ones back to Melissa. I think that deserves Ice Cream or something.

8:56 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guess the ice cream is up to you since we won't be around for a while.

4:15 PM  

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